Greetings star seeds, the most maligned of all astrological transits is upon us.

Beginning March 15th, Mercury, our planet of the mind and mouth, will go retrograde, first in the zero impulse control, hell fires for the hell of it sign of Aries and then in the Care Bear poet placenta of Pisces.

How often does Mercury go retrograde?

As the fastest-moving planet in our solar system, Mercury goes retrograde three to four times a year for about three weeks.

While planets, Mercury included, do not move backwards, they do slow their proverbial rolls, a deceleration that looks like a reversal from our vantage here on beautiful, broken planet Earth.

Author and tarot reader Kerry Ward tells The Post this optical illusion is due to Mercury’s shorter orbit which, “makes it look like it hustles past Earth, slows down and then moves in a backwards loop. It’s
actually, dare I say, showing off.”

What happens during Mercury retrograde?

When the planet of ideas and intellect shows off and slows down, the realms it rules are ruffled; namely commerce, communication technology, and travel.

As above, so below folks.

Ward tells The Post that this retrograde’s villainous reputation is undue. “If Mercury retrograde interferes with our ability to connect efficiently and openly to the external or outside world then the swing side of that is that it boosts our ability to turn inwards and reflect, contemplate, re-evaluate, and tap into our past, life story, ego, ideas, and self-awareness.”

She notes that when Mercury is direct we are full steam and forward momentum but when the planet retrogrades it’s “about pausing to look back over your shoulder and narrate the story so far. Turn inwards, look back, reflect and ruminate. You might be amazed at what pours forth and how that turns into insight, self awareness, strength, and resolve.”

Ward notes that the emphasis on diving in and looking back makes Mercury retrograde a fine time to explore shadow work.

What does it mean when Mercury is in retrograde?

She tells The Post “Your shadow self (or selves) is the feral, childlike, supremely protective and
uncivilised parts of you that grew up around an old wound or unwelcome trait to protect you. Shadow work brings to light these parts of you that have lived in suppression and denial. Once acknowledged and embraced, these parts will return the power they guard so jealously. You will get stronger with their absorption.”

Mercury retrograde March

Ward is on deck (pun intended) with her pulls for the tarot cards that will guide each sign this retrograde season.

To book a tarot reading with Kerry, see here.

For Post readers who would like to lean in and learn more, with insights, forecasts and predictions, Ward is offering a free month of membership to her Tarot Club.

Fire signs – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius – TEN OF CUPS

Ward shared that the Ten of Cups card indicates a need to hone in to ye olde heart meat and the one or ones you have devoted yourself to.

“Focus on your closest relationships this retrograde. Don’t activate any major decisions or discussions (that you know have conflicts or tensions beneath the surface), but DO spend time reminiscing, sharing your past, and discovering new elements of each other’s personalities and passions. You can fall deeply in love this retrograde if you focus on the ONE person and build an intimate kingdom just for the two of you. An intense time of bonding lies ahead!”

An intense and intimate kingdom? Can dig.

For a more in-depth analysis of your relationship, book a love life analysis reading with Ward here.

Earth signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, – FIVE OF WANDS

For the dirt-rich Earth signs, Ward pulled the Five of Wands, encouraging clear, compassionate communication.

“Don’t let this retrograde trip you up in terms of communications, negotiations, discussions or
interactions that require delicate handling. If you can delay them, do. If not, then be clear, direct,
and listen more than you talk, follow up with emails or notes to clarify what was said and agreed upon. Spot signs of discontent in your realm and address them in good time. You are the master mediator. Use your skills,” she told The Post.

Air signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – SIX OF WANDS

For the zodiac’s air signs, Ward pulled the fertile and fortunate Six of Wands.

She shared, “The Six of Wands is a lucky breakthrough card. Focus your shadow work on seeking childhood/youthful talents, hobbies or skills you have lost touch with. Figure out why and then re-activate in them. Something needs to be replanted and will prove, once embraced, to be a fruitful new
source of success for you!”

Water signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces – THE SUN

Ward says water signs are blessed by the light of the ever loving sun this retrograde season.

“The tarot’s most positive card visits you this retrograde bringing great joy, happiness, and success. Water signs rarely need much of an excuse to turn away from the outside world and refocus on their inner landscape or closest circle of loved ones. So, make your home your sanctuary, have a magical staycation, add whimsy and fun into every aspect of everyday life and realize how much enchantment you can bring to the ordinary everyday.”

Making magic out of the mundane folks, romance out of routine, we love to see it.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Read the full article here

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