From March 1 to April 12, 2025, Venus, our planet of aesthetics and attraction, wealth and worth, riches and relationships, will go retrograde, first in the cardinal fires of Aries and then in the mutable pools of Pisces.

Named for the goddess of love, Venus backspins roughly every 18 months and brings to the surface issues related to areas the planet rules, namely our romantic and financial affairs.

Etymologically, Venus derives from the Latin word for desire. Apropos of this, the planet’s retrograde is an invitation to reevaluate our relationship to wanting and spending.

During this retrograde cycle, exes are likely to exhume themselves. Relationships will be weighed, measured and found wanting. And unexpected expenses, buyer’s remorse, overspending and fractures in fiscal partnerships are predicted to surge.

Astrologer Sunaree Ko from is on hand, heart and money clip to explain how and why Venus’s retrograde will affect our finances and some dos and don’ts for making it out of this turbulent time living large and feeling rich.

“Venus retrograde is a time to reflect on financial choices rather than make impulsive decisions,” Ko tells The Post. “Reevaluating past spending habits, reassessing investments and delaying large purchases can help avoid regret when Venus turns direct.”

When Venus goes retrograde, we can feel a collective sense of scarcity that can spur overindulge. However, if we can move beyond the impulse to fill a void and get curious about why that void exists, this can be an incredible period of reflection and reframing.

As Ko explains, “While Venus retrograde may not be the ideal period for financial risks, it is a valuable time for reviewing and realigning financial priorities.”

Venus Retrograde To Do List

  • Review past financial choices and spending patterns
  • Reassess your relationship with money and luxury
  • Revisit financial goals but delay major decisions
  • Avoid lending money or making high-risk investments

Ko advises, “Once Venus goes direct, financial clarity will return, making it a much better time for purchases, investments and significant financial commitments.”

How Venus Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

For Aries folk, Venus retrograde will shine a light on their first house of self, first impressions and perception, heralding a time to reflect on the relationship between self-esteem and frivolous spending.

According to Ko, “Past financial missteps may resurface, making this a good time to review spending habits.”

As Taurus is ruled by Venus, this sign will acutely feel the effects of the planet’s retrograde.

Ko warns, “A strong temptation to indulge in luxury purchases could lead to financial strain.”

Budget is a bull’s least favorite word, but under these cosmic conditions, scaling back is the best bet for moving forward.

Gemini folk have the one-two punch of Venus and Mercury, their ruling planet, retrograding in their eleventh house of community, group dynamics and earned wealth this month.

Ko advises the people of the twin, “Be cautious with financial agreements, as miscommunication may cause setbacks.”

With their quick tongues and mercurial minds, it can be challenging for Geminis to take a beat before jumping in. However, measured reflection and careful consideration protect your fiscal interests during this cycle.

Ruled by the moon, feelings are sometimes inextricable from finances for Cancer folk.

As Ko cautions, “Emotional spending may increase, making it important to focus on financial priorities.”

Consider that curtailing your spending can be a gateway drug for regulating your emotions.

Indulgence can feel like your royal birthright, Leo, but remember that all that glitters is not gold, and there are myriad non-materialistic ways to care for yourself during this retrograde.

Ko advises, “Avoid splurging on big-ticket items, as financial preferences may shift after the retrograde.”

During this retrograde, I challenge you to reflect on ways that you self-soothe through spending and when, if ever, those purchases truly satisfy you.

With Venus and Mercury, your ruling planet, retrograding this month, you may face a reckoning about how you conceptualize and communicate about finances, Virgo.

Ko maintains this is “A time for reviewing budgets and financial plans, but overanalyzing can create delays.”

Repeat after me: assess, but don’t obsess.

As Venus is your ruling planet and relationships are a primary theme of your coursework here in Earth School, Libra, this retrograde cycle could be a doozy for you.

Ko expounds, “Financial partnerships may come under scrutiny, requiring careful evaluation.”

Take your time and carefully consider the cost/benefit of any and all money mergers.

Ahoy Scorpio! As rulers of the eighth house of sex, death and resources, you are innately aware of the power of money to transform and destroy.

Ko notes, “Unexpected expenses could arise, emphasizing the need for financial preparedness.”

Being ready and resourced for the winds of change is its own reward. Rather than curse the inconvenience, congratulate yourself for coming correct with an emergency fund.

Blessed with unfailing optimism, you always believe the next windfall is just around the river bend or the turn of the roulette wheel, Sagittarius.

While it’s helpful to keep the faith that money is accessible and all shall be well, it’s unwise to throw caution to the wind and dollars at a neon sign during this transit.

Ko explains, “Spending on travel and entertainment may lead to complications or regrets.”

Repeat after me: saving is self-care, and there’s no sweeter freedom than financial freedom.

As the most unapologetically ambitious sign in the zodiac, Capricorn, you live, as the poet Snoop Dogg writes,’ with your mind on your money and your money on your mind.’ Yet, this Venus retrograde, which begins in a fellow cardinal sign, asks you to consider what the personal cost of professional progress is.

The theme of this retrograde for you, Aquarius, is an exercise in caution and keeping money matters out of your mouth.

Ko explains, “Risky financial ventures should be postponed in favor of reassessing past money strategies.”

Consider waiting until late April when Venus and Mercury are both direct to follow through on any grand plans, big announcements or dicey bets.

This Venus retrograde cycle is one tough tittie for you, Pisces, as it activates your twelfth house of exile and endings and later your first house of self and impressions.

Ko reminds you, “Trusting intuition is essential when making financial choices, but impulsive purchases should be avoided.”

Consider ways you may confuse intuition with self-deception and make financial decisions that feel good in the moment and fail to deliver in the long run.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

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