• New research suggests that individuals with a “sweet tooth” may have an increased risk of developing certain conditions such as type 2 diabetes and depression.
  • On the other hand, health-conscious individuals may face lower health risks and gain additional metabolic advantages from their overall diet and lifestyle decisions.
  • Experts caution against excess sugar intake, advising individuals to kick the sweet tooth and adopt more health-promoting habits.

Free sugars are sugars added to foods and drinks by manufacturers, cooks, or consumers. Refined sugars, fruit juices, honey, and syrups all count as free sugars.

Unlike naturally occurring sugars found in nutrient-dense whole fruits and vegetables, free sugars are rapidly absorbed by our body and can negatively affect our health when consumed in excess.

It suggests that, compared to health-conscious or omnivorous individuals, people with a strong preference for sweets — a “sweet tooth” — may be at an increased risk of developing conditions like depression, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular issues such as stroke.

This observational study can’t prove cause-and-effect, but it highlights how food preferences affect disease risk and the importance of minimizing intake of free sugars for better long-term health outcomes.

A team from the University of Surrey in Guildford, England, analyzed data from 181,738 UK Biobank participants. The study cohort was mostly white and ages 56 on average.

Using artificial intelligence technology, they categorized participants into three groups based on their food preferences:

  • Health-concious: Strongly prefer fruits and vegetables over animal-based and sweet foods.
  • Omnivore: Enjoy most foods, including meats, fish, some veggies, desserts and sweets.
  • Sweet tooth: Highly favor sugary foods and drinks, with less interest in fruits and veggies.

The researchers also assessed smaller subsets of participants with available NMR metabolomics (46,413) and Olink proteomics data (19,052).

They examined UK Biobank blood sample data to evaluate changes in 2,923 proteins and 168 metabolites across groups.

Proteins are large molecules made up of amino acids that perform essential functions in our cells. They are vital for immune response, muscle activity, and cognitive processes.

Metabolites are small molecules generated during metabolism, such as amino acids. They also influence cellular functions and chemical processes in the body and can indicate our overall health.

By studying these biomarkers, researchers identified biological distinctions among the dietary groups.

They calculated relative risks for chronic diseases and mental health conditions per group, adjusting for variables like age, sex, smoking status, education, physical activity, nutrient intake, body composition, and several health markers.

They aimed to provide insights into how diet-related preferences may influence health risks.

This group showed the highest dietary fiber intake, the lowest smoking rates, and the highest levels of physical activity, pointing to healthier lifestyles.

In comparison, the omnivore and sweet-tooth groups had an almost equal split of male and female participants and consumed about 12 and 14 grams more of free sugars daily, respectively, than the health-conscious group.

Health benefits were evident in the health-conscious group, with a 14% lower risk of heart failure and 31% lower risk of chronic kidney disease compared to the other groups.

The health-conscious group had lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers like C-reactive protein, commonly elevated in conditions like cardiovascular disease. They also had the best blood sugar and blood lipid (cholesterol) profiles.

Conversely, the sweet tooth group exhibited a 27% increased risk of depression, a 15% higher risk of diabetes, and a 22% elevated risk of stroke compared to the other two groups.

They also showed worse markers of inflammation, blood sugar, and blood lipid levels.

Cancer risk was similar across the groups, with minimal differences observed among the health-conscious, omnivore, and sweet tooth groups.

Alyssa Simpson, RDN, CGN, CLT, a digestive health dietitian in Phoenix, Arizona, who was not involved in the study, told Medical News Today that “the health-conscious group showed a lower risk of metabolic conditions and had biomarker changes similar to those seen with fasting, including lower leptin, higher growth hormone, and increased ketone levels.”

She said that “these changes suggest benefits beyond appetite control, such as improved energy metabolism and stress adaptation.”

“This implies that adopting healthier eating habits may offer some of the same health advantages as fasting or weight loss surgery, without the need for drastic measures,” Simpson explained.

However, the study has several limitations, including the risk of biased food preference reports, unknown variables that could affect the results, and potential lack of applicability to different ethnic groups.

Simpson said that “free sugars, such as those found in sugary drinks and refined foods, can increase the risk of chronic health conditions through several interconnected pathways.”

“High sugar intake leads to blood sugar spikes and insulin resistance, which can drive the development of type 2 diabetes and promote fat storage, contributing to weight gain and obesity. Excess sugar also elevates triglycerides and inflammation, raising the risk of cardiovascular conditions like heart disease and contributing to kidney strain. Furthermore, frequent sugar consumption has been linked to fluctuations in mood and energy levels, which may exacerbate or contribute to depression.”
— Alyssa Simpson, RDN, CGN, CLT

Medical News Today also spoke with Thomas M. Holland, MD, MS, a physician-scientist and assistant professor at the RUSH Institute for Healthy Aging, RUSH University, College of Health Sciences, who was not involved in the study.

Holland noted that the link between high free sugar intake and an increased risk of depression is “potentially due to inflammation and altered brain signaling pathways, suggesting interconnected pathways driving physical, cognitive, and mental health issues.”

To lower the risks of cardiometabolic diseases, recent research recommends reducing free sugar intake to below 6 teaspoons (25 grams) daily and limiting sugar-sweetened beverages to less than one serving per week (approximately 200–355 milliliters).

But if you consider yourself someone with a “sweet tooth,” you may wonder how long it might take to kick it and where you should start.

While results may vary, “kicking a ‘sweet tooth’ can take around two to four weeks, as research shows that reducing sugar intake helps reshape taste preferences and curb cravings during this period,” Simpson said.

Holland agreed, highlighting that “taste preferences begin to adjust with consistent changes in diet.”

“Gradually cutting back on added sugars, replacing them with natural alternatives like fruit, and increasing protein and fiber intake can stabilize blood sugar and ease the transition,” Simpson continued.

Kiran Campbell, RDN, a registered dietitian and medical nutrition advisor at Dietitian Insights, who was not involved in the study, advises that “incorporating small changes into your daily routine is an easy and practical way to begin making healthy decisions.”

A few actionable steps she recommends include:

  • Gradually limit the portion size and frequency of sugary drinks and sweets each week.
  • Reduce sugar in recipes, coffees, and teas, or use natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit.
  • Check nutrition labels for added sugars before buying.
  • Replace sugary drinks with sparkling water and a splash of 100% fruit juice or drink mixes sweetened with stevia or monk fruit.

To shift toward a more health-conscious lifestyle, Holland recommends people “prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while minimizing refined sugars, red meat, high fat dairy, and processed foods.”

“These emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats while limiting processed sugars, thereby promoting better long-term health outcomes,” he noted.

If you want guidance in overcoming a sweet tooth or adopting healthier habits, consult a registered dietitian for personalized advice and support.

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